Friday 14 April 2017

The Pushkar Camel Fair Tour 2017 in India - Pushkar Fair Schedule - 2017

The sleepy little town of Pushkar comes alive in the beginning of October as preparations begin for the Pushkar Fair. The fair offers a plethora of unforgettable activities such as horse shows, camel races, cow beauty contests, acrobatics, camel safaris and much more.

Depending on the lunar calendar, the fair can begin in late October or early November. Once it begins, the Pushkar Camel Fair is the most colorful gathering of humanity and livestock on this planet.
Prepare well in advance to visit the Pushkar festival or else decent accommodations and other facilities will be impossible to find. To those who will be attending, the fair's schedule should be well in mind.
Pushkar Fair Schedule - 2017:
Oct 23th through Oct 26th: Cattle Fair. This is when all the activities with the villagers, camels and other cattle will take place - the cattle trading, camel races, as well as various shows and competitions etc. The best days are going to be the 15th and 16th, so we have designed most of our tour itineraries to be in Pushkar during these days.
Oct 27th through Oct 30th: Cultural Fair. This is when all the government sponsored cultural activities will take place. There will be folk dance shows, music performances, and other similar activities. Please bear in mind that you will get to experience (much more comfortably) similar performances at a number of the hotels we use during your exploration of India. Most agencies take you to the Fair on these dates despite the fact that a majority of the cattle and villagers have already left Pushkar.

Oct 31st: The Holy Day of the Fair. This is when thousands of Hindu pilgrims take a dip in the lake at Pushkar.
Namaste Holiday would like to take you to the once-a-year festivities and show you the cultural entertainments later on in your tour. By far, the best memories you'll have will be of highly decorated camels, thrilling horse races, and the local festivities.

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